Post by Charles Stover on Mar 12, 2009 9:19:13 GMT -8
Title: Recycle Bin
Creator: Charles Stover (a.k.a. GAMEchief, SegaDragon)
Cross-Browser: Yes
Placement: Global Footer
Description: Whenever you click the icon (via Advanced Moderation or while viewing the topic), you will be taken to a Recycle page, where the topic will be moved to the Recycle Bin board instead of being deleted. If you delete a page from the Recycle Bin, it will be deleted permanently.
*updated 3-12-11: modified to recognize new icon set - Wormo
Creator: Charles Stover (a.k.a. GAMEchief, SegaDragon)
Cross-Browser: Yes
Placement: Global Footer
Description: Whenever you click the icon (via Advanced Moderation or while viewing the topic), you will be taken to a Recycle page, where the topic will be moved to the Recycle Bin board instead of being deleted. If you delete a page from the Recycle Bin, it will be deleted permanently.
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
// Recycle Bin, by Charles Stover
// [url][/url]
// This notice may not be removed for any reason.
// This is the board ID for your Recycle Bin:
var recycleBin = "recyclebin";
// No need to modify below this line.
if ((document.title.match(/ - Move Thread/)) && (location.href.match(/recycle=1/))) {
document.title = document.title.replace(/ - Move/, " - Recycle");
for (var f = 0; f < document.forms.length; f++) {
if (document.forms[f].getAttribute("action").match(/action=movetopic2/)) {
document.forms[f].innerHTML = document.forms[f].innerHTML.replace(/moving/, "recycling").replace(/Please select the boards? that you would like to move th[ei]se? threads? to\./, "").replace(/Move to:/, "").replace(/Would you like a message displayed telling members where th(is|ese) thread(s?) (was|have been) moved to\?/, "Would you like to leave a message directing members to where th$1 topic$2 $3 moved?").replace(/following thread \"(.*?)\"/, "following topic: $1").replace(/thread(?!\-)/g, "topic");
document.forms[f] = "none";
var masterNode = ((document.forms[f].childNodes.length == 1) ? document.forms[f].firstChild : document.forms[f]);
var fields = masterNode.getElementsByTagName("input"),
lineBreaks = masterNode.getElementsByTagName("br"),
breakCount = 0;
fields[fields.length - 1].setAttribute("value", "Recycle Topic" + ((document.forms[f].innerHTML.match(/topics/)) ? 's' : ""));
if (lineBreaks[10]) {
for (var n = 0; n < masterNode.childNodes.length; n++) {
if ((masterNode.childNodes[n].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "br") && (masterNode.childNodes[n + 1]) && (masterNode.childNodes[n + 1].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "br")) {
if ((breakCount) && (breakCount< 4)) {
masterNode.childNodes[n].style.display = "none";
masterNode.childNodes[n + 1].style.display = "none"; }
else if (breakCount)
breakCount++; } } }
else {
for (var b = 0; b < 4; b++)
lineBreaks[b].style.display = "none"; }
for (var o = 0; o < document.forms[f].moveto.options.length; o++) {
if (document.forms[f].moveto.options[o].value == recycleBin) {
document.forms[f].moveto.selectedIndex = o;
break; } }
break; } } }
if ((location.href.match(/board=/)) && (!location.href.match("board=" + recycleBin))) {
if (document.ammForm) {
for (var i = 0; i < document.images.length; i++) {
if (document.images[i].getAttribute("src").match(/removetopic\.(gif|png)/)) {
document.images[i].parentNode.onclick = function() {
var mod = document.ammForm;
mod.setAttribute("action", mod.getAttribute("action") + "&recycle=1");
mod.nextaction.setAttribute("value", "move");
return true; }
break; } } }
else {
for (var a = 0; a < document.links.length; a++) {
if (document.links[a].getAttribute("href").match(/^javascript:doConfirm\('Are you sure you wish to delete this thread\?',/)) {
document.links[a].setAttribute("href", document.links[a - 1].getAttribute("href") + "&recycle=1");
break; } } } }
*updated 3-12-11: modified to recognize new icon set - Wormo