May 26, 2012 2:38:57 GMT -8
Creator of LSD...
December 2008
Post by SubDevo on May 16, 2009 12:57:57 GMT -8
Display Custom Images in "Customize Images" by SubDevoTested in IE, FF, Opera, Safari and Chrome. Also works with multiple skins! Click for Preview!Have you ever asked yourself the following question? "If I am using custom images for my forum, shouldn't I be able to see them in Customize Images?". Ok, sounds logical to me. Why doesn't Proboards do this already? Well, now you can! This code displays your custom images (on the "Customize Images" page), instead of the default PB images! Now you can finally see what images you are using in your forum, without looking at the url! This is a time saver. Enjoy!!! SubDevo Location: Main Footer (Nothing to Edit)<script type="text/javascript"> /* Display Custom Images in "Customize Images" by SubDevo */ /* Main Footer - Please leave this header intact. Do not repost. */ /* or */
if(pb_action=="boardimages"){ var n=document.getElementsByTagName("input"),a,b,x=-1; while(n[++x]){ if(/\.(gif|png)$/.test(n[x].name)){ a=n[x].parentNode.previousSibling.firstChild; b=n[x].value; if(a.alt&&b!="http://"){a.parentNode.title=a.title=a.alt; a.src=b;} }}} </script>As far as I know, this is one of a kind. I haven't found any other ProBoards code with this functionality! (9/23/2009) CODE EDIT: Added functionality. NOT a bug fix. Sets the "title" equal to the "alt" text for all of the images. This means FireFox users will now have a tooltip on hover of each image, so they know what an image it is "supposed" to be. (1/16/2011) CODE EDIT: Code changed to also work with the new PB icon set.