Do not allow your offline issues spill on to the forum.
I think that it is very important for staff to keep their personal problems off of the forum, and to avoid taking it out on fellow staff and members.. because while there are some who will understand that you had a bad day, there will be a lot who don't.. and this can hurt the relationships that you have established with your members..
My brother and I recently merged forums.. he wanted to see more serious, and in-depth discussions, and liked the overall attitude of the members on my forum.. so he suggested that we merge and i agreed.. and we get along..
But before that, we did not.. he would take out whatever personal grudges he had against me (offline and in person) out on me on the forum.. so let's say we had an arguement offline, he would get mad and suspend me for it online..
I told him that if he did not unsuspend me, and if he did that again, and didn't learn to separate offline issues, from online issues, that i would leave permanently.
So he unsuspended me and apologized..
Do not play favorites.
I also dont agree with favortism.. I don't care whether it is your best friend, or girlfriend, or a member who was there since the day you opened your forum.. If they know you personally, then that is all the more reason for them to listen to you, and back you up.. otherwise, if they don't follow the rules, then they should be punished. end of story..
There was this one incident where 2 of the members (one of them a veteran) started flaming each other throughout the forum, and i told both of them to stop, and said that if they did not, i would suspend them.. they persisted, and so, I suspended them.
My brother saw what happened, and in turn, he unsuspended the veteran..
My brother is the kind of person who would show favortism to veteran members, whereas, i do not.. He believes that because they were there, and active from the beginning, that we should cut them some slack if they blatently, and repeatedly disregarded the rules..
I believe that since they were there and active from the beginning, that
that is all the more reason for them to know better, and would have a better grasp as to what is, or isn't acceptable behavior on the forum.. if it was their first major offense since the beginning, then i will give them a verbal warning, but if they keep it up, then they should get the same punishment as other non-veteran members..
But instead of addressing this issue openly, we handled it in the staff area, and we came to a compromise..
Do not undermine your fellow staff members.
I think that it is very important that the staff stick together and back each other up.. we do that now, but it wasn't always like that in the beginning.. The members used to have the attitude that because I am his sister, that they don't have to take me as seriously as they do him.. but whenever they got into trouble with the other admins, they expected me to come to their defense.. they figured that since i was the 'nice' admin, and i was laid back on the forum, that i was some kind of pushover..
That was when I told them that since they did not take me seriously as an admin when they were breaking the rules, then how could they possibly expect me to do them any favors by coming to their defense.. and told them that should think about that the next time i ask them to behave themselves and they decide not to listen.
My brother set them straight on that.. he said that I may be his sister, and I may not be the owner, but I am to be shown the same respect as he is, and to those who believe that I wouldn't do anything, he referred them to a list of banned users and their reasons.. and that while i am the nicest of the admins there, and very laid back, I am also the 'executioner' and have punished 85% of the members on that list.
I simply stated, "you don't have to listen to me, but by the same token, don't expect to get away with it, and don't expect me to do you any favors either."
He also stated that anyone coming to him or another admin, to undo a punishment will receive double the length of their original punishment.
Do not lose your cool.
I think that an admin should always remain calm, regardless of what is going on with the forum.. so if you have some yahoo, who randomly joins, and starts flaming everybody, then the admin should handle that with a calm and cool head.. and not respond with the same ignorance of the person flaming. It makes you look bad, and it reflects badly on the staff.
So we have 'roasts' where the members get a chance to respond, and post their thoughts about this person.. and after a few posts from the members, we lock and then move the topics to an area that only the staff has access to.. that way everybody gets a chance to get what they had to say out of their system.
Do not address conflicts with your fellow staff members openly on the forum.
I think that any staff conflicts should be brought up, and then dealt with in the staff area, and that it is important for it to not spill onto the forum..
Having an open conflict with a fellow staff member presents an opportunity for one to be played against the other.
There was this one kid who figured that he could turn me and my brother against one another, by attempting to exploit a conflict between the two of us..
so, even though my brother and I weren't talking at that time, the kid figured that he would im me with some things that my brother 'allegedly' said about me.. so, I asked my brother if he said those things, and he said no.. so then we called a truce, and then we teamed up to catch this kid in a lie.. and it worked.
The kid was expecting me to go and cuss my brother out for something that he did not say, and vice versa. He wasn't expecting me to actually ask my brother up front.
Do not be afraid to do your job.
The admin/staff should not be afraid to punish troublesome members.. and should back up any and all threats with an action..I have seen this all too often on many boards.. one guy signs up, and starts posting porn, so what does the admin do? he tells the guy yo stop, and removes the links.. as opposed to banning them.. when asked why he didn't ban him, he said that he doesnt want to be too strict.. because he wants more members..
I have also seen members, over power the admin.. as in the admin, bending over backwards to please every single member.. i understand that you want to please everybody, but, in truth, you can't.. the admin should remember that it is their forum, and state as such, that while he/she wants to be your friend, and want you to be happy to be there, that you are also an admin, and you are not afraid to take action if necessary, and that what you say, goes.. and if they don't like it.. then they should leave.
As for me, I'll verbally warn you once.. and if you don't listen, then you get a warning.. and if you keep it up, then you are banned.
Do not have too many codes.
Too many codes will slow the forum down, and, in turn, make your board look cheap..On our board, I use only practical codes, that would make a nice feature if it were integrated in the forum's software already..
Such as a user legend, or a code that enhances your skinning options (image borders on the left and right side of the main table of the forum, head and base images for the posts, or the forum index) or remove certain things like the navigation menu.. or move the google ads above the table.. or a money hack that can be used to purchase certain things from the forum.. like a name change, or a level decrease.. etc..
there is no point in having unnecessary bells and whistles for a forum.. such as making the forum look like the hosts competition.. PB resembling VB etc. etc..
To many of these kinds of codes make the board load slow even for users on broadband..
Do not use an image host that has alloted bandwidth.
Make sure that your images are hosted on a reliable host..(such as imageshack)I like that host because they have never failed me, and they are very fast when it comes to loading images.. they also have unlimited bandwidth, and space, so if your image is small and it tiles, it, as well as other images, will load fast..
I have found other hosts to be not as reliable or as fast, as imageshack.. so i use imageshack for all of my forums images.. be it skins, avatars, or smileys..
But if I want to show off my images, then I'll use a host that has a customizeable photo album.. that way i can make the album match my forum or website..
This is all i have for now.. if i have more to add then i will just quote this post, and then add the additional points under it..