The Voice of Reason
Nov 13, 2017 3:33:43 GMT -8
Lord of Fire
March 2005
Post by Lord of Fire on Oct 21, 2006 11:13:13 GMT -8
Password protected boards have - as many said - good and bad sides. I have mixed feelings about them.
They're good for discussions that would be unsuited for the outside world (i.e. guests or members beneath a certain age), but they also have serious drawbacks.
The two biggest problems I've dealt with back when I still used a PB board to post on was that a) passwords were sometimes hard to forget; b) if a member enters it once, the board stays accessible for as long as he's online. Should he leave the comp for a while and forget to log out, chances are someone else might abuse it to post nasty stuff in it (that actually happened once).
Also, since only certain members have acess to the password protected section(s), it's very easy to post offensive material in it that would break the TOS in more ways than one and not get reported for it. Not everyone is persistent enough to sign up, ask for the password and check what's inside.
Mar 7, 2007 16:06:48 GMT -8
February 2007
Post by laura003 on Feb 28, 2007 3:46:28 GMT -8
hi im newand i need help i'm laura and i just started doing up a form and i need some help if any one could help me please.
ok when i go into for an example my Gossip part of the form it always ask me to Password Protected Board This board is password protected. Please enter the password below to login.
Password: and for all the topics too and i ask my sil to try and it come the some to her.
how do i get rid of this password thingie. its on all of the topicz and myself and my sister in law go into it with out it saying Password Protected Board This board is password protected. Please enter the password below to login.
thankz laura
Empress of Scifi and Fantasy Mass Hugglecide
EnchantedPiffy enchantedpiffy
Sept 24, 2008 13:53:44 GMT -8
I put a spell on you!Now your mine. Resistance is Futile!BEWARE OF THE ORI
November 2004
Post by Enchant on Feb 28, 2007 8:20:57 GMT -8
hi im newand i need help i'm laura and i just started doing up a form and i need some help if any one could help me please. ok when i go into for an example my Gossip part of the form it always ask me to Password Protected Board This board is password protected. Please enter the password below to login. Password: and for all the topics too and i ask my sil to try and it come the some to her. how do i get rid of this password thingie. its on all of the topicz and myself and my sister in law go into it with out it saying Password Protected Board This board is password protected. Please enter the password below to login. Password: thankz laura This is a how to and usually be directed to support, but you should be able to enable it or able it from your admin panel...goto modify that particular board and you will find the option there...dont forget to save...
Mar 7, 2007 16:06:48 GMT -8
February 2007
Post by laura003 on Feb 28, 2007 12:52:20 GMT -8
i'm abit lost i dont no where to look in my admin part sorry
Mar 7, 2007 16:06:48 GMT -8
February 2007
Post by laura003 on Feb 28, 2007 13:07:35 GMT -8
ok i think i found it thank you
Dec 4, 2024 8:10:38 GMT -8
January 1970
Post by myke on Feb 28, 2007 15:29:55 GMT -8
i'm abit lost i dont no where to look in my admin part sorry ok i think i found it thank you Hi, please read the rules of this board and in the future direct all questions like this to the support board. Thank you.
Mar 5, 2021 14:37:03 GMT -8
September 2006
Post by Gamoc on Mar 10, 2007 22:53:16 GMT -8
Password protected boards. Well, I can see use for them in many ways.
Good things for a password protected board
Well, a password protected board can be very useful for RPG when there are certain things that you don't want any member just getting into and doing what is in there. On my board, one of the password protected boards are password protected so not all of the members can take the lone masterball or fight the legendary pokemon that Xephyr and I have set up in there.
Other uses I can see it for, well, if there is a board that you only want certain members to get into but want to add others and take some away is good ones. Say, prize boards. People who have won MOTM, SOTW, etc. multiple times before is some good reasons. I can also see it being used for boards that are under construction, but you want to show your members that you are making it instead of hiding it, it also makes getting to the board easier than hiding it.
One other use I can see for it would have to be a recycling bin. Moving old threads or "bad" talked threads to send to. That way if someone hacks a mod, and wants to move it back, they would have to crack the password for that, which I always just type in random numbers and symbols for a password protected board so chances are that they would not get it right, anyway.
Bad things for a password protected board
Well, there are quite a few of these. The first would be putting a password on the general board. That would have to be the stupidest thing to do to it aside from removing the general board and never putting it back. A lot of members like to talk to the other members of the board with ease about other things other than the theme of the forum.
Now, the stupidest thing to do is to purposely put a password on every board on your forum just to keep certain members from spamming it up. If you do not want certain members in, just ban them, don't password protect every board, that actually drives members away, a board can have some of the best content, but that could really scare people off.
Making a password protected staff board: Well, it seems stupid to me, if you want a staff board, either modify it to where only staff can see it and post in it, or better yet, make a category that is hidden to normal members and place the staff boards in there. The reason I say this is because if you let members in because they know the password, then that completely ruins the significance of a staff board.
Password protecting boards about nothing of importance: Well, I think that it is stupid to password protect a spam board just so only certain members can spam, which really does not help in the first place, or password protecting a board for only members that you like, that definetely is not fair to the other members.
Those are some of my opinions on password protected boards.
Dec 4, 2024 8:10:38 GMT -8
January 1970
Post by grandma on Mar 12, 2007 21:06:40 GMT -8
I think a password-secured board is very good to have on the board. It gives my members a secure area where they can discuss personal issues. I give the pasword to established members, thereby giving the member something to work towards and look forward to.
We have two password-secured boards in addition to a staff room. We have several MVS (muder victim survivor's). I have created a pass-word secured board soley for them so that they can discuss their personal issues and issues that are unique to their situation. The MVS and the staff members, who are also MVS, are allowed admittance. No other members or staff have the password.
I have gotten positive feeback and gratitude for having the secure environment.
Junior Member
Add more Funk
Posts: 266
Jan 16, 2010 9:46:02 GMT -8
Add more Funk
October 2005
Post by BioEye on Mar 14, 2007 10:38:16 GMT -8
I've always steered clear of password protected boards. If I don't want someone to see it, e.g. a staff board, I make the staff board only visible to the staff.
I only have one password protected board on my forum. It works really well. The idea is that I put loads of interesting stuff on there, maybe special games, or work in development, or a chance for people to have their say on what happens on the forum. That way, people really want to get on the board. I bring out a puzzle every month which, when cracked, will give the member the password. This changes every month so that there's always something new.
Puzzle solving seems to work a charm on forums, and brings about great competition, while in some cases great teamwork across the forum.
Full Member
Posts: 512
Apr 23, 2014 23:00:55 GMT -8
October 2005
Post by No on Mar 14, 2007 11:19:57 GMT -8
I only have one password protected room myself, it's for the staff and helpers. Not much happens in there, since we don't have much to discuss. I don't think the other Admin even knows the password to it.
But, many times I've gotten on a forum, and there's three or four (or more) password protected forums, with many posts in them, that just don't seem to need to be password protected.
In other words, I think you should keep it down with the password protected boards, or it gets to be to much.
Feb 1, 2022 9:44:08 GMT -8
April 2005
Post by Shentino on Mar 15, 2007 9:20:52 GMT -8
The trouble with password boards is the same as trying to keep a secret. You don't have any identity based access control, just whoever happens to have the key. If someone leaks the password, you have a free-for-all, or worse, a guild.
However, given the lack of support (so far) for users being in MORE than one group at a time, passwords do work. Just make sure that you have the means to keep access secure.
LadyCroft53121 ladyelizabeth_2005
Jul 15, 2014 6:02:11 GMT -8
| Lady Kathryn |
Dark Queen.
April 2006
Post by | Lady Kathryn | on Mar 15, 2007 11:02:08 GMT -8
For Harry Potter Forums, we have common rooms password protected...It's just the concept of common rooms. Not everyone could access them; only people of a certain house could access their own common rooms. I've combatted people sharing passwords by limiting who can see certain common rooms in the making of categories. In there, you can limit who can see it, so I limit it to Slytherins, for example. Then, if I sort someone into Slytherin, then only the Slyths can see their common room, plus they can't see anyone else's.
I do think they're good. What if you have some questionable stuff that you don't want certain people to see...? Then, password protected boards should keep those people out. Now, I'm not saying stuff doesn't happen, but when it does, then make sure that person gets punished.
May 9, 2009 18:27:33 GMT -8
*gasp* I changed my display name. ftw
January 2007
Post by Ќĩɳĝ on Mar 22, 2007 16:20:58 GMT -8
I've seen a few Potter sites that do that common room thing, but it annoy me, personally. If people go board password crazy, it gets to be a hassle to the members and they stop using that site or don't come as often because they don't want to have to remember a gazillion different passwords. I only use passwords for staff rooms, like has been commonly mentioned. For common rooms (I run a Harry Potter forum) I just make them their own categories and hide them from certain member groups. I know it's not foolproof, but it's easier on the users.
Mar 5, 2021 14:37:03 GMT -8
September 2006
Post by Gamoc on Mar 24, 2007 14:43:38 GMT -8
You can do that for the staff groups also, just make the category to where the only the staff can see it, and then make the boards to where only staff can see, post, start thread, and start polls. That is really a better way of doing it. I am going to go back on my MOTM and SOTW winners board. You can make it for that, or hide the board, they both work fine, actually, sometimes, if you don't have any password protected boards, members will not be so eager to try to get into them, which can make things a lot easier on the admin, not receiving thousands of PMs to get the password for that board.
New Member
Posts: 35
Jun 19, 2008 14:08:59 GMT -8
July 2006
Post by D.D on Jun 13, 2007 17:12:08 GMT -8
In most cases, I would say to keep them open.
First of all, for very obviously reasons. Only if you keep them open the search engine bots are then able to crawl into your site, indexing more pages, means more traffic for you.
Of course, depends on your forum you can make several boards with valuable information only accessble to members and groups of members.