Here are two that I use on my web pages.
<p align="left"><font size="2">
<!-- Begin
var months=new Array(13);
var time=new Date();
var lmonth=months[time.getMonth() + 1];
var date=time.getDate();
var year=time.getYear();
if (year < 2000) // Y2K Fix, Isaac Powell
year = year + 1900; // document.write("<right>" + lmonth + " ");
document.write(date + ", " + year + "</right>");
// End -->
and here is another.
<p align="center">
<font color="navy">
<script language="Javascript">
calendar = new Date();
day = calendar.getDay();
month = calendar.getMonth();
date = calendar.getDate();
year = calendar.getYear();
if (year < 1000)
cent = parseInt(year/100);
g = year % 19;
k = parseInt((cent - 17)/25);
i = (cent - parseInt(cent/4) - parseInt((cent - k)/3) + 19*g + 15) % 30;
i = i - parseInt(i/28)*(1 - parseInt(i/28)*parseInt(29/(i+1))*parseInt((21-g)/11));
j = (year + parseInt(year/4) + i + 2 - cent + parseInt(cent/4)) % 7;
l = i - j;
emonth = 3 + parseInt((l + 40)/44);
edate = l + 28 - 31*parseInt((emonth/4));
var dayname = new Array ("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday");
var monthname =
new Array ("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December" );
document.write("<font face=verdana,helvetica,sans-serif size=2>");
document.write(dayname[day] + ", ");
document.write(monthname[month] + " ");
if (date< 10) document.write("0" + date + ", ");
else document.write(date + ", ");
document.write(year + "<font color=crimson>");
// Easter
if ((month == emonth) && (date == edate)) document.write(" Easter Sunday (Western) ");
// January
if ((month == 0) && (date == 1)) document.write(" New Year's Day");
if ((month == 0) && (date == 27)) document.write(" Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart born (1756)");
if ((month == 0) && (day == 1) && (date > 14) && (date< 22)) document.write(" Martin Luther King's Birthday - NO SCHOOL");
// February
if ((month == 1) && (date == 2)) document.write(" Groundhog Day");
if ((month == 1) && (date == 8)) document.write(" Jules Verne born (1828)");
if ((month == 1) && (date== 12)) document.write(" Lincoln's Birthday");
if((month == 1) && (date == 14)) document.write(" St. Valentine's Day");
if ((month == 1) && (date == 15)) document.write(" Galileo Galilei born (1564)");
if ((month == 1) && (date == 22)) document.write(" Washington's Birthday");
if ((month == 1) && (date == 29)) document.write(" Leap Day");
// March
if ((month == 2) && (date == 3)) document.write(" Girl's Day (Japan)");
if ((month == 2) && (date == 4)) document.write(" National School Breakfast Week");
if ((month == 2) && (date == 17)) document.write(" St. Patrick's Day");
if ((month == 2) && (date == 21)) document.write(" J.S. Bach born (1685)");
if ((month == 3) && (date == 8)) document.write(" International Women's Day");
if ((month == 3) && (date == 11)) document.write(" Johnny Appleseed Day");
if ((month == 3) && (date == 15)) document.write(" Leonardo da Vinci born (1452)");
if ((month == 3) && (date == 29)) document.write(" Emperor's Birthday (Japan)");
if ((month == 3) && (day == 0) && (date > 0) && (date< 8)) document.write(" Daylight Savings Time Begins");
// May
if ((month == 4) && (date == 1)) document.write(" May Day, Boy's Day (Japan)");
if ((month == 4) && (date == 2)) document.write(" Constitution Day (Japan)");
if ((month == 4) && (date == 4)) document.write(" School Librarian Thank You Day");
if ((month == 4) && (date == 5)) document.write(" Cinco de Mayo (Mexico), Children's Day (Japan)");
if ((month == 4) && (date == 6)) document.write(" Child Nutrition Employee Appreciation Week");
if ((month == 4) && (date == 13)) document.write(" Thomas Jefferson's Birthday");
if ((month == 4) && (date == 22)) document.write(" Earth Day");
if ((month == 4) && (day == 0) && (date > 7) && (date< 16)) document.write(" Mother's Day");
if ((month == 4) && (day == 1) && (date > 24)) document.write(" Memorial Day");
// June
if ((month == 5) && (date == 4)) document.write(" Horace Mann's Birthday");
if ((month == 5) && (date == 5)) document.write(" Constitution Day (Denmark)");
if ((month == 5) && (date == 6)) document.write(" D-Day (USA)");
if ((month == 5) && (date == 8)) document.write(" Harry S. Truman's Birthday");
if ((month == 5) && (date == 11)) document.write(" Kamehameha (Hawaii)");
if ((month == 5) && (date == 14)) document.write(" FlagDay (USA)");
if ((month == 5) && (date == 18)) document.write(" Armed Forces Day");
if ((month == 5) && (date == 21)) document.write(" Summer Solstice");
if((month == 5) && (date == 24)) document.write(" St. Jean Baptiste Day (Canada)");
if ((month == 5) && (date == 27)) document.write(" Memorial Day");
if ((month == 5) && (date == 30)) document.write(" Independence Day (Zaire)");
// July
if ((month == 6) && (date == 1)) document.write(" Independence Day (Canada)");
if ((month == 6) && (date == 4)) document.write(" Independence Day (USA)");
if ((month == 6) && (date == 14)) document.write(" Flag Day (USA)/Bastille Day (France)");
if ((month == 6) && (date == 27)) document.write(" Helen Keller's Birthday");
// August
if ((month == 7) && (date == 1)) document.write(" Confederation Day (Switzerland)");
if ((month == 7) && (date == 10)) document.write(" Independence Day (Ecuador)");
if ((month == 7) && (date == 15)) document.write(" Independence Day (India)");
// September
if ((month == 8) && (date == 7)) document.write(" Independence Day (Brazil)");
if ((month == 8) && (date == 15)) document.write(" Respect for the Aged Day (Japan)");
if ((month == 8) && (date == 16)) document.write(" Independence Day (Mexico)");
if ((month == 8) && (day== 1)&& (date > 0) && (date< 8)) document.write(" Labor Day (USA)");
// October
if ((month == 9) && (date == 1)) document.write(" German Reunufication (1990)");
if ((month == 9) && (date == 10)) document.write(" Health-Sports Day (Japan)");
if ((month == 9) && (day == 1) && (date > 7) && (date< 16)) document.write(" Columbus Day (USA)");
if ((month == 9) && (day == 0) && (date > 24) && (date< 31)) document.write(" Daylight Savings Time Ends");
if ((month == 9) && (day == 0) && (date == 31)) document.write(" Daylight Savings Time Ends<BR>");
if ((month == 9) && (date == 24)) document.write(" United Nations Day");
if ((month == 9) && (date == 31)) document.write(" Halloween");
// November
if ((month == 10) && (date == 3)) document.write(" Culture Day (Japan)");
if ((month == 10) && (date == 11)) document.write(" Veteran's Day (USA), Remembrance Day (Canada)");
if ((month == 10) && (date ==20)) document.write(" Revolution Day (Mexico)");
if ((month == 10) && (date == 23)) document.write(" Labor Thanksgiving Day (Japan)");
if ((month == 10) && (day == 4) && (date > 23) && (date< 30)) document.write(" Thanksgiving (USA)");
if ((month == 10) && (date == 30) && (day == 4)) document.write(" Thanksgiving (USA)");
// December
if ((month == 11) && (date == 10)) document.write(" Human Rights Day");
if ((month == 11) && (date == 21)) document.write(" Winter Solstice");
if ((month == 11) && (date == 24)) document.write(" Christmas Eve");
if ((month == 11) && (date == 25)) document.write(" Christmas");
if ((month == 11) && (date == 26)) document.write(" Boxing Day");
if ((month == 11) && (date == 31)) document.write(" New Year's Eve");
I hope one of these will work for yo