Post by Texas on Dec 9, 2012 19:52:38 GMT -8
Could someone look at this plugin for me. I rewrote it a week ago and tested it, I thought It worked in all of the browsers. But today I went back and figured out that it only worked in FF O.o
The plugin is a three box table that slides up and down and uses localStorage (cookies if the browser doesn't support it) to remember whether the box is hidden or shown. The problem with it is that in Chrome and IE it will slide up, but it won't slide down, it just gets stuck as hidden.
Thanks to anyone that looks into this.
Here is the raw JS if you want to just look at that.
And the HTML
The plugin is a three box table that slides up and down and uses localStorage (cookies if the browser doesn't support it) to remember whether the box is hidden or shown. The problem with it is that in Chrome and IE it will slide up, but it won't slide down, it just gets stuck as hidden.
Thanks to anyone that looks into this.
Here is the raw JS if you want to just look at that.
if ('three_box_table').settings.which_boards) || proboards.plugin.get('three_box_table').settings.display=="1" ) {
function getCookie(c_name)
var i,x,y,ARRcookies=document.cookie.split(";");
for (i=0;i<ARRcookies.length;i++)
if (x==c_name)
return unescape(y);
function setCookie(c_name,value,exdays)
var exdate=new Date();
exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + exdays);
var c_value=escape(value) + ((exdays==null) ? "" : "; expires="+exdate.toUTCString());
document.cookie=c_name + "=" + c_value;
} //taken from
function hiderFunction() {
if(localStorage.sliderTable!="slidden" || localStorage.slider==null && getCookie("sliderTable")!="slidden") {
if(typeof(Storage)!=="undefined" && getCookie("sliderTable")!="open")
else { setCookie("sliderTable","slidden",1000); }
else {
else { setCookie("sliderTable","unslidden",1000); }
if(localStorage.sliderTable=="slidden" || getCookie("sliderTable")=="slidden")
And the HTML
<table id="the_table" width="$[plugin.settings.the_table_width]" style="display:none">
<td colspan="3" id="the_table_title" onclick="hiderFunction()">
<td class="the_table_box_title">
<td class="the_table_box_title">
<td class="the_table_box_title">
<td class="the_table_main">
<td class="the_table_main">
<td class="the_table_main">
<br />
#the_table { align: center; margin: auto; }
#the_table_title { background-color: #$[plugin.settings.the_table_title_color]; background-image: url('$[plugin.settings.the_table_title_img]'); text-align: center; border: $[plugin.settings.the_table_border_width] $[plugin.settings.the_table_border_type] #$[plugin.settings.the_table_border_color]; cursor: pointer; }
.the_table_box_title { background-color: #$[plugin.settings.the_table_box_title_color]; background-image: url('$[plugin.settings.the_table_box_title_img]'); text-align: center; border-bottom: $[plugin.settings.the_table_border_width] $[plugin.settings.the_table_border_type] #$[plugin.settings.the_table_border_color]; border-left: $[plugin.settings.the_table_border_width] $[plugin.settings.the_table_border_type] #$[plugin.settings.the_table_border_color]; border-right: $[plugin.settings.the_table_border_width] $[plugin.settings.the_table_border_type] #$[plugin.settings.the_table_border_color]; }
.the_table_main { background-color: #$[plugin.settings.the_table_box_color]; background-image: url('$[plugin.settings.the_table_box_img]'); text-align: center; height: $[plugin.settings.the_table_box_height]; border: $[plugin.settings.the_table_border_width] $[plugin.settings.the_table_border_type] #$[plugin.settings.the_table_border_color]; }