Former Member
Dec 2, 2024 7:36:04 GMT -8
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January 1970
Former Member
Post by Former Member on Apr 20, 2015 7:11:56 GMT -8
I downloaded it to my test forum but I cant seem to get the custom buttons into a drop down.
Official Code Helper
Oct 22, 2024 1:56:19 GMT -8
"'Oops' is the sound we make when we improve"
December 2005
RedBassett's Mini-Profile
Post by Chris on Apr 20, 2015 23:32:36 GMT -8
I see you've created a button named "Cure" "custom_buttons" : [{ "tag" : "Spoiler", "image" : "", "name" : "Spoiler", "attributes" : "[/spoiler]", "index" : "5", "apply_to_editor" : ["quick", "visual", "bbcode", "custom"] }, { "tag" : "Blockquote", "image" : "http://i1137./n511/JAFTadmin/t6bjh3.png", "name" : "Blockquote", "attributes" : "[/blockquote]", "index" : "5", "apply_to_editor" : ["quick", "visual", "bbcode", "custom"] }, { "tag" : "span", "image" : "", "name" : "Cure", "attributes" : "pragma_content=[hr][c][img src=""][/c][c]This player has cast Cure! A green leaf appears over their head and heals a small portion of their damage, recovering 25 HP! [/c][c] Cure may not be used again for three turns.[/c]", "index" : "6", "apply_to_editor" : ["quick", "visual", "bbcode", "custom"] } ] and I see you've created a control group named "Test" with "blockquote" and "spoiler" buttons apparently being sequenced in that group yet the actual buttons are not assigned to that control group (they do not have the name of the group set in their index field and instead use numbers). This is causing an error to occur in the code since I never checked if a group that has sequenced some buttons actually has those buttons assigned to it with the proper editors checked and that will be fixed in the next release. However, to avoid that error either remove the sequence you've placed in that empty control group or actually assign some buttons to the control group by placing the name you've given that control group into the index field of a custom button making sure the editors where that button is made active also matches the editors of the control group. If you want a button to be subject to the restrictions regarding user groups and boards placed on a particular control group then that is the way to do it otherwise you're dealing with a promiscuous button not bound by any restrictions other than finding a group that will accept it. FYI, using a number in the index allows a button to latch on to any group specified by that number, as an example, in the image below a custom button with an index set to "2" would latch on to the second control group which in this case has the bold, italics, etc buttons in there. The control groups however can be restricted to certain user groups or restricted in certain boards so it is not necessarily always going to appear as the second group depending on how the plugin is configured and this can be useful when you want a button that is not subject to the restrictions of a control group. To get the button you've created into a particular control group and not just any group that happens to appear in the second slot you should add the name of the group to the index of that button that way it will always look for that specific group and not just any group that happens to be in slot "2". Also using the image below, if you were to specify an index of "6" but there are only 4 control groups then a new group would be created and that button would end up in group "5"
Edit: Control Freak version 0.9.4- restored validation checks to guard against phantom buttons
Former Member
Dec 2, 2024 7:36:04 GMT -8
Former Member
January 1970
Former Member
Post by Former Member on Apr 21, 2015 10:24:57 GMT -8
This is what I have for one of the custom buttons. How do I go about setting this up in a control group to have it show as a drop down?
Official Code Helper
Oct 22, 2024 1:56:19 GMT -8
"'Oops' is the sound we make when we improve"
December 2005
RedBassett's Mini-Profile
Post by Chris on Apr 21, 2015 10:32:39 GMT -8
This is what I have for one of the custom buttons. How do I go about setting this up in a control group to have it show as a drop down? In the index field where you currently have "6" change it to the name that you gave the control group. So if you named the control group "test" then you would put "test" instead of "6". The control group can then be set to "compact" any button associated with it (including custom buttons associated this way) into a single menu Control Freak version 0.9.5 - fixed bug (once again) where multiple buttons share the same tag (e.g "span") then only the last button would be recognized
Peabrained Codebreaker
Mar 11, 2020 7:47:27 GMT -8
July 2007
Post by Boy_Wonder on May 16, 2015 21:12:46 GMT -8
Hiyas! I've just used this to try and just add in a blockquote button on shelter, however its now hiding all the other UBBC icons - have I missed something else I needed to install?
Disregard: Fixed it xD
Official Code Helper
Oct 22, 2024 1:56:19 GMT -8
"'Oops' is the sound we make when we improve"
December 2005
RedBassett's Mini-Profile
Post by Chris on May 18, 2015 10:07:12 GMT -8
Hiyas! I've just used this to try and just add in a blockquote button on shelter, however its now hiding all the other UBBC icons - have I missed something else I needed to install? Disregard: Fixed it xD To clarify, were you using the advanced (a.k.a. "nightly" and "control freak") or the basic plain vanilla version?
Peabrained Codebreaker
Mar 11, 2020 7:47:27 GMT -8
July 2007
Post by Boy_Wonder on May 18, 2015 10:10:20 GMT -8
Hiyas! I've just used this to try and just add in a blockquote button on shelter, however its now hiding all the other UBBC icons - have I missed something else I needed to install? Disregard: Fixed it xD To clarify, were you using the advanced (a.k.a. "nightly" and "control freak") or the basic plain vanilla version? Advanced xD
Former Member
Dec 2, 2024 7:36:04 GMT -8
Former Member
January 1970
Former Member
Post by Former Member on May 31, 2015 0:09:26 GMT -8
I'm having an issue with the buttons not showing the same for everyone. This is what they look like for me: (Screensnap) Which are the button images I have set for the forum, but it shows the default images to the rest of my forum. Is there something I need to change to fix this?
Disregard. I went digging into the posts and found this. Going to try it out now. I presume this is the place to come if I've got a question about your BBC Buttons plugin. It's been working perfectly so far, just one thing that bugs me. When you visit the forum for the first time it uses the default icons for the buttons instead of what I have in our theme. Do you think you could add a setting to change what the default ones are? It doesn't have to be complicated, just something for more advanced users. Like putting the hash in a text field and reading it out in the script using JSON.parse. Please see first post in this thread for version 0.9.9 (manual install, not library) which now recognizes per theme button images without first having to "see" the buttons on the full reply page. To use this optional feature add the following to the <head> portion of your forum wrapper template. <script id="bbcode_images" type="text/javascript">
var bbimg = {
"underline" : "//",
"createLink" : "//",
"italic" : "//",
"justifyFull" : "//",
"insertHorizontalRule" : "//",
"insertVideo" : "//",
"justifyCenter-active" : "//",
"italic-active" : "//",
"justifyRight-active" : "//",
"bold-active" : "//",
"strikethrough" : "//",
"justifyLeft" : "//",
"justifyFull-active" : "//",
"subscript-active" : "//",
"underline-active" : "//",
"createEmail" : "//",
"foreColor" : "//",
"insertCode" : "//",
"insertQuote" : "//",
"justifyRight" : "//",
"insertTable" : "//",
"bold" : "//",
"justifyCenter" : "//",
"subscript" : "//",
"insertSmiley" : "//",
"strikethrough-active" : "//",
"superscript" : "//",
"removeFormat" : "//",
"insertUserLink" : "//",
"superscript-active" : "//",
"insertImage" : "//",
"justifyLeft-active" : "//",
"insertUnorderedList" : "//",
"insertEmbed" : "//"
smiles:["(puke)", "//", "(:))", "//"]
</script> The id of the button (e.g "insertSmiley") is paired with the image URL to be used for that button. Those URLs in the above example are for the default images provided by Proboards so change to whatever is applicable in your theme. You'll also notice I've added a smiles entry should you wish to also define smileys on a per theme basis and not have to use the shoutbox workaround. The format of the smileys is a bit different since it uses an array with two entries per smiley, the first being the characters that create the smiley then followed by the image URL for that smiley. Please let me know if you run into any problems.
Former Member
Dec 2, 2024 7:36:04 GMT -8
Former Member
January 1970
Former Member
Post by Former Member on Jun 1, 2015 7:11:10 GMT -8
Hi again, I did have another question!
Is there a way I could make another button that functions like the insert smiley button? (Where when you click on it, a mini window comes out for you to choose which one you want.)
My members would like a seperate button from the smiley button where they can choose from gif reactions and not have them mixed in with regular emotes.
I am somewhat intermediate when it comes to css/html coding so if this is possible by adding/changing some codes in the template and also adding in the gif images manually, I'm okay with that.
Hopefully I made sense explaining this. ;s
Nov 19, 2024 5:07:22 GMT -8
Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack!
May 2009
Post by Nscalerr on Jun 3, 2015 16:57:18 GMT -8
Official Code Helper
Oct 22, 2024 1:56:19 GMT -8
"'Oops' is the sound we make when we improve"
December 2005
RedBassett's Mini-Profile
Post by Chris on Jun 14, 2015 14:08:06 GMT -8
Hi again, I did have another question! Is there a way I could make another button that functions like the insert smiley button? (Where when you click on it, a mini window comes out for you to choose which one you want.) My members would like a seperate button from the smiley button where they can choose from gif reactions and not have them mixed in with regular emotes. I am somewhat intermediate when it comes to css/html coding so if this is possible by adding/changing some codes in the template and also adding in the gif images manually, I'm okay with that. Hopefully I made sense explaining this. ;s Due to the date of this message (sorry, haven't been around much) you may have probably already been led to the smiley plugin created by Todge that sounds perfect for the functionality you're asking about. This plugin deals in bbcodes not text patterns that are then automatically converted to equivalent images. I'd be very much interested in what version of the plugin you were running since relative addressing was never used in this plugin's life as far as I can recall. Protocol-relative URLs were added when was unveiled since they run on SSL but that still would not generate the kind of URL shown above. This then leads me to another explanation which is Proboards itself generated these relative image URLs when it used to preload images for the WYSIWYG back in the days and the plugin cached them in localStorage (they've since fixed this bug). Here's an old code snippet from Proboards coding where you can see relative addressing being used and would indeed generate an URL like the one given above and since the plugin gives precedence to those native images (to support themed buttons) instead of using the default ones embedded within it then someone looking at the image request traffic would actually need to clear that localStorage cache if they previously visited the site before determining if the plugin was generating this traffic or merely playing back what it had recorded of the images that were presented to it by the WYSIWYG. this.setContent(content); // Preload images for active to avoid initial flicker this.preload([ '/images/bbcode/bold-active.png', '/images/bbcode/italic-active.png', '/images/bbcode/underline-active.png', '/images/bbcode/strikethrough-active.png', '/images/bbcode/superscript-active.png', '/images/bbcode/subscript-active.png', '/images/bbcode/justify-left-active.png', '/images/bbcode/justify-center-active.png', '/images/bbcode/justify-right-active.png', '/images/bbcode/justify-full-active.png', ]);
Nov 19, 2024 5:07:22 GMT -8
Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack!
May 2009
Post by Nscalerr on Jun 14, 2015 17:55:55 GMT -8
I have a feeling it was version v0.9.7 that I was using, since upgraded to v0.9.81
May 15, 2013 22:19:51 GMT -8
January 2013
Post by Gibby on Jul 8, 2015 11:55:31 GMT -8
hi all of a sudden my smilies in the quick reply disappeared the default ones are there but not the others i installed the up to date version to see if that would fix it and its still the same please assist
Aug 17, 2014 8:10:36 GMT -8
April 2013
Post by ?adwoman? on Jul 8, 2015 12:06:55 GMT -8
^^^ try to update to the latest version of the plugin or uninstall then try install it again or try to move the plugin above the smiley plugin
Official Code Helper
Oct 22, 2024 1:56:19 GMT -8
"'Oops' is the sound we make when we improve"
December 2005
RedBassett's Mini-Profile
Post by Chris on Jul 9, 2015 15:41:30 GMT -8
hi all of a sudden my smilies in the quick reply disappeared the default ones are there but not the others i installed the up to date version to see if that would fix it and its still the same please assist you've recently disabled your shoutbox then please read the "TIPS" section in the first post of this thread for the reason and the remedy. Version 0.9.9 (not in library) which incorporated a request in this post offers an alternative not involving the shoutbox, if interested in that solution I'll gladly provide details. If I am misunderstanding the problem you've described then feel free to set me on the correct path. Tips- If you define custom smiley emoticons in your admin panel this plugin has no access to that data so if you wish those custom smileys to show up in the plugin then enable the shoutbox so the plugin can grab them from the shoutbox, you can still hide the shoutbox, if that is what you wish, by editing the shoutbox template so it becomes hidden but remains enabled
see spoiler for an alternate explanationPerhaps this will be more understandable... If you have smilies other than the standard smilies defined in your admin panel then those smilies would not be available for the BBCode plugin to access on certain pages. In order to have those custom smilies appear when using quick reply you must enable the shoutbox. With the shoutbox enabled the BBCode plugin can grab the smilies from the shoutbox. If you do not want the shoutbox to display for your members and visitors then the image I posted shows how to edit the shoutbox layout to effectively hide it (but still have it remain enabled) This has nothing to do with any other plugin or even how you host your smilies. As long as you've told the admin panel which smilies you want to use it will send those smilies to the shoutbox but it will not send them to a plugin. The plugin therefore cheats by copying off the shoutbox's paper when the teacher is not looking...