King Oligochaete
Feb 24, 2021 12:23:15 GMT -8
Stop rating plugins with 1 star that dont deserve it.
June 2008
Wormo's Mini-Profile
Post by Wormopolis on Oct 5, 2014 21:39:06 GMT -8
here is current code: function editorSmear() { // a HUGE thank you to Eton for revealing the mystery of the WYSIWYG editor tmp=$('.wysiwyg-textarea').data('wysiwyg'); if (document.selection) { var IEhold=tmp.editors[tmp.currentEditorName].getRange(); //alert(IEhold.parentElement()); if (tmp.currentEditorName=='bbcode') { tmp.editors[tmp.currentEditorName].textarea.focus(); //IE caret position from stackoverflow // range = document.selection.createRange(); len = tmp.editors[tmp.currentEditorName].textarea.value.length; normalizedValue = tmp.editors[tmp.currentEditorName].textarea.value.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); // Create a working TextRange that lives only in the input textInputRange = tmp.editors[tmp.currentEditorName].textarea.createTextRange(); textInputRange.moveToBookmark(range.getBookmark()); // Check if the start and end of the selection are at the very end // of the input, since moveStart/moveEnd doesn't return what we want // in those cases endRange = tmp.editors[tmp.currentEditorName].textarea.createTextRange(); endRange.collapse(false); if (textInputRange.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", endRange) > -1) { start = end = len; } else { start = -textInputRange.moveStart("character", -len); start += normalizedValue.slice(0, start).split("\n").length - 1; if (textInputRange.compareEndPoints("EndToEnd", endRange) > -1) { end = len; } else { end = -textInputRange.moveEnd("character", -len); end += normalizedValue.slice(0, end).split("\n").length - 1; } } var holdcaret=start; } } var dialogHTML='<br>Start Color: <input id="smearStart">'+ '<br>End Color: <input id="smearEnd">'+ '<br>Mode: <select id="smearMode"><option value=0>Standard (color 1 -> color 2)</option>'+ '<option value=1>Double Smear (color 1 -> color 2 -> color 1)</option>'+ '<option value=2>Oversmear (color 1 -> mixed -> color 2)</option>'+ '<option value=3>Invertsmear (color 1 -> inverted mix -> color 2)</option></select>'; proboards.dialog("colorSmear_bbcode", { html : dialogHTML, title : "ColorSmear", hide: "puff", show: "fold", height : 250, width : 400, open: function(){ $('div#colorSmear_bbcode').trigger('click'); }, resizable : false, autoOpen : true, buttons : [{ text: "Apply", click: function() { var smear_start_color=$('div#colorSmear_bbcode input#smearStart').val(); var smear_end_color=$('div#colorSmear_bbcode input#smearEnd').val(); var smear_mode=$('div#colorSmear_bbcode select#smearMode').val(); hold=smearValidateChoices(smear_start_color,smear_end_color); if (hold>0) { //1=start,2=end,3=both var alertMsg=''; if (hold==1 || hold==3) { alertMsg+="Start Color"; $('div#colorSmear_bbcode input#smearStart').css('border','#FF0000 solid 2px'); if (hold==3) alertMsg+=' and '; } if (hold==2 || hold==3) { alertMsg+="End Color"; $('div#colorSmear_bbcode input#smearEnd').css('border','#FF0000 solid 2px'); } alertMsg+=' need to have values input.'; alert(alertMsg); return; } tmp=$('.wysiwyg-textarea').data('wysiwyg'); if (tmp.currentEditorName == "visual") { doc=tmp.editors.visual.document; f=doc.createDocumentFragment(); var d=tmp.editors.visual.selection||tmp.editors.visual.getSelection(); if(window.getSelection){ var c=tmp.editors.visual.range||tmp.editors.visual.getRange(); var e=c.extractContents(); f.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('[smear:#'+smear_start_color+']')); f.appendChild(e); f.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('[/smear:#'+smear_end_color+':'+smear_mode+']')); try { c.insertNode(f); } catch(err) { } c.collapse(true); // c.setEndAfter(f); d.removeAllRanges(); d.addRange(c); d.collapseToEnd() } else { if(tmp.editors.visual.document.selection && parseInt($.browser.version)>8){ f=$('<span/>').get(0); // var c=tmp.editors.visual.range||tmp.editors.visual.getRange(); var c=tmp.editors.visual.getRange(); f.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('[smear:#'+smear_start_color+']')); f.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(c.text)); f.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('[/smear:#'+smear_end_color+':'+smear_mode+']'));; c.pasteHTML(f.innerHTML); c.collapse(false); } } } else if (tmp.currentEditorName == "bbcode") { if (IEhold) { if (IEhold.text) { IEhold.text='[smear:#'+smear_start_color+']'+IEhold.text+ '[/smear:#'+smear_end_color+':'+smear_mode+']'; } else { var holdTAvalue=tmp.editors[tmp.currentEditorName].getContent(); tmp.editors[tmp.currentEditorName].setContent(holdTAvalue.substr(0,holdcaret) + '[smear:#'+smear_start_color+']'+ '[/smear:#'+smear_end_color+':'+smear_mode+']' + holdTAvalue.substr(holdcaret)); } } else { tmp.editors[tmp.currentEditorName].replaceSelection('[smear:#'+smear_start_color+']'+ (tmp.editors[tmp.currentEditorName].getSelectedText() ? tmp.editors[tmp.currentEditorName].getSelectedText() : '')+ '[/smear:#'+smear_end_color+':'+smear_mode+']'); } } $(this).dialog("close"); } }] }); $('div#colorSmear_bbcode').trigger('click'); $('div#colorSmear_bbcode').find('input#smearStart, input#smearEnd').bind('focusin',function(){ var targetSpot=$(this); $(this).colorPicker(); $(this).bind('mouseout',function(){ $('div#colorPicker div#colorPicker-ok-button').show().unbind('click').bind('click',function(){ targetSpot.val($('div#colorPicker div#colorPicker-input input').val()); targetSpot.css('border',''); $('div#colorPicker').hide(); }); $('div#colorPicker div#colorPicker-cancel-button').show().bind('click',function() { $('div#colorPicker').hide(); }); }); }); if (!IEhold) $('div#colorSmear_bbcode').find('input#smearStart, input#smearEnd').click(); }
The Dream Crusher (Ret.)
Apr 1, 2014 11:00:25 GMT -8
Tim Camara
Teach a man to fish, etc., etc.
March 2011
Post by Tim Camara on Oct 6, 2014 9:21:21 GMT -8
Alright, since it was so simple, a bugfix for the error Chris found is in our internal testing branch now. With any luck, it'll go live with the next code push, probably either today or tomorrow.
King Oligochaete
Feb 24, 2021 12:23:15 GMT -8
Stop rating plugins with 1 star that dont deserve it.
June 2008
Wormo's Mini-Profile
Post by Wormopolis on Oct 6, 2014 15:40:20 GMT -8
Probably wont affect my ability to push content at caret right?
Official Code Helper
Nov 19, 2012 14:18:28 GMT -8
January 2004
Post by Todge on Oct 6, 2014 17:38:16 GMT -8
From what I recall we did get it to work in IE8, but only so long as there was content already in the editor.
It nay be defuuct with the upcoming bug fix, but I'll try to track down the PM conversation too.
King Oligochaete
Feb 24, 2021 12:23:15 GMT -8
Stop rating plugins with 1 star that dont deserve it.
June 2008
Wormo's Mini-Profile
Post by Wormopolis on Oct 6, 2014 19:01:56 GMT -8
If I have selected text, I have it working. its when the caret is just blinking by itself that it gets weird. but bbcode I have it inserting NEAR where it was.. the math seems to need some tweaking.
IE8 preview is the one where things were bad and it was inserting into the document instead of the iframe.
Official Code Helper
Nov 19, 2012 14:18:28 GMT -8
January 2004
Post by Todge on Oct 7, 2014 9:01:58 GMT -8
Yup, I had that problem too, but Eton, the genius that he is, found a fix.
The problem back then seemsed to be that there were constant updates to the wysiwyg editor making making a lot of the fixes Eton helped me with useless, but, at least for a while now, everything seems to be constant.
I can't check anything using IE8 as I'm still restricted to a tablet, so I'm unsure whether any of my plugins are functioning as expected in IE8, for all I know none of them are working.
The last I updated was the smilies plugin, and I've not had any 'help me' messages, so I assume that one works at least.
Official Code Helper
Oct 22, 2024 1:56:19 GMT -8
"'Oops' is the sound we make when we improve"
December 2005
RedBassett's Mini-Profile
Post by Chris on Oct 7, 2014 10:17:45 GMT -8
here is current code: function editorSmear() { // a HUGE thank you to Eton for revealing the mystery of the WYSIWYG editor tmp=$('.wysiwyg-textarea').data('wysiwyg'); if (document.selection) { var IEhold=tmp.editors[tmp.currentEditorName].getRange(); //alert(IEhold.parentElement()); if (tmp.currentEditorName=='bbcode') { tmp.editors[tmp.currentEditorName].textarea.focus(); //IE caret position from stackoverflow // range = document.selection.createRange(); len = tmp.editors[tmp.currentEditorName].textarea.value.length; normalizedValue = tmp.editors[tmp.currentEditorName].textarea.value.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); // Create a working TextRange that lives only in the input textInputRange = tmp.editors[tmp.currentEditorName].textarea.createTextRange(); textInputRange.moveToBookmark(range.getBookmark()); // Check if the start and end of the selection are at the very end // of the input, since moveStart/moveEnd doesn't return what we want // in those cases endRange = tmp.editors[tmp.currentEditorName].textarea.createTextRange(); endRange.collapse(false); if (textInputRange.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", endRange) > -1) { start = end = len; } else { start = -textInputRange.moveStart("character", -len); start += normalizedValue.slice(0, start).split("\n").length - 1; if (textInputRange.compareEndPoints("EndToEnd", endRange) > -1) { end = len; } else { end = -textInputRange.moveEnd("character", -len); end += normalizedValue.slice(0, end).split("\n").length - 1; } } var holdcaret=start; } } var dialogHTML='<br>Start Color: <input id="smearStart">'+ '<br>End Color: <input id="smearEnd">'+ '<br>Mode: <select id="smearMode"><option value=0>Standard (color 1 -> color 2)</option>'+ '<option value=1>Double Smear (color 1 -> color 2 -> color 1)</option>'+ '<option value=2>Oversmear (color 1 -> mixed -> color 2)</option>'+ '<option value=3>Invertsmear (color 1 -> inverted mix -> color 2)</option></select>'; proboards.dialog("colorSmear_bbcode", { html : dialogHTML, title : "ColorSmear", hide: "puff", show: "fold", height : 250, width : 400, open: function(){ $('div#colorSmear_bbcode').trigger('click'); }, resizable : false, autoOpen : true, buttons : [{ text: "Apply", click: function() { var smear_start_color=$('div#colorSmear_bbcode input#smearStart').val(); var smear_end_color=$('div#colorSmear_bbcode input#smearEnd').val(); var smear_mode=$('div#colorSmear_bbcode select#smearMode').val(); hold=smearValidateChoices(smear_start_color,smear_end_color); if (hold>0) { //1=start,2=end,3=both var alertMsg=''; if (hold==1 || hold==3) { alertMsg+="Start Color"; $('div#colorSmear_bbcode input#smearStart').css('border','#FF0000 solid 2px'); if (hold==3) alertMsg+=' and '; } if (hold==2 || hold==3) { alertMsg+="End Color"; $('div#colorSmear_bbcode input#smearEnd').css('border','#FF0000 solid 2px'); } alertMsg+=' need to have values input.'; alert(alertMsg); return; } tmp=$('.wysiwyg-textarea').data('wysiwyg'); if (tmp.currentEditorName == "visual") { doc=tmp.editors.visual.document; f=doc.createDocumentFragment(); var d=tmp.editors.visual.selection||tmp.editors.visual.getSelection(); if(window.getSelection){ var c=tmp.editors.visual.range||tmp.editors.visual.getRange(); var e=c.extractContents(); f.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('[smear:#'+smear_start_color+']')); f.appendChild(e); f.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('[/smear:#'+smear_end_color+':'+smear_mode+']')); try { c.insertNode(f); } catch(err) { } c.collapse(true); // c.setEndAfter(f); d.removeAllRanges(); d.addRange(c); d.collapseToEnd() } else { if(tmp.editors.visual.document.selection && parseInt($.browser.version)>8){ f=$('<span/>').get(0); // var c=tmp.editors.visual.range||tmp.editors.visual.getRange(); var c=tmp.editors.visual.getRange(); f.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('[smear:#'+smear_start_color+']')); f.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(c.text)); f.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('[/smear:#'+smear_end_color+':'+smear_mode+']'));; c.pasteHTML(f.innerHTML); c.collapse(false); } } } else if (tmp.currentEditorName == "bbcode") { if (IEhold) { if (IEhold.text) { IEhold.text='[smear:#'+smear_start_color+']'+IEhold.text+ '[/smear:#'+smear_end_color+':'+smear_mode+']'; } else { var holdTAvalue=tmp.editors[tmp.currentEditorName].getContent(); tmp.editors[tmp.currentEditorName].setContent(holdTAvalue.substr(0,holdcaret) + '[smear:#'+smear_start_color+']'+ '[/smear:#'+smear_end_color+':'+smear_mode+']' + holdTAvalue.substr(holdcaret)); } } else { tmp.editors[tmp.currentEditorName].replaceSelection('[smear:#'+smear_start_color+']'+ (tmp.editors[tmp.currentEditorName].getSelectedText() ? tmp.editors[tmp.currentEditorName].getSelectedText() : '')+ '[/smear:#'+smear_end_color+':'+smear_mode+']'); } } $(this).dialog("close"); } }] }); $('div#colorSmear_bbcode').trigger('click'); $('div#colorSmear_bbcode').find('input#smearStart, input#smearEnd').bind('focusin',function(){ var targetSpot=$(this); $(this).colorPicker(); $(this).bind('mouseout',function(){ $('div#colorPicker div#colorPicker-ok-button').show().unbind('click').bind('click',function(){ targetSpot.val($('div#colorPicker div#colorPicker-input input').val()); targetSpot.css('border',''); $('div#colorPicker').hide(); }); $('div#colorPicker div#colorPicker-cancel-button').show().bind('click',function() { $('div#colorPicker').hide(); }); }); }); if (!IEhold) $('div#colorSmear_bbcode').find('input#smearStart, input#smearEnd').click(); }
If I have selected text, I have it working. its when the caret is just blinking by itself that it gets weird. but bbcode I have it inserting NEAR where it was.. the math seems to need some tweaking. IE8 preview is the one where things were bad and it was inserting into the document instead of the iframe. It should be noted that since IE9 was the first Microsoft browser to support the W3C selection model it would be taking the same path browsers such as Firefox and Chrome takes and never hit that IE-only branch so are you saying IE9 exhibits the behavior described above or just IE8? The thing even with IE9 however was it lost the values for textare.selectionStart and textarea.selectionEnd whenever the textarea lost the focus which is why those values have to be saved then restored when inserting (which the WYSIWYG does). As for the "NEAR" that sounds like a bug I encountered in ancient IE, Now if we could just drop IE8 support, we probably wouldn't need this shiv at all. when I was creating some old V4 codes, where the insertion point was incorrectly offset by the number of non-printable characters that preceded it (e.g linefeeds, carriage returns). Back then what I did to fix it was count up those non-printable characters preceding the insertion point and added them to the final position to get the true insertion point. All of this however is handled internally by the WYSIWYG so should be opaque, the reason we're even talking about math is because the code being used is not using the WYSIWYG except to query it for selection ranges and instead wants to do the heavy lifting by itself. It would be easier to use what is there and avoid reinventing the wheel. Yup, I had that problem too, but Eton, the genius that he is, found a fix. The problem back then seemsed to be that there were constant updates to the wysiwyg editor making making a lot of the fixes Eton helped me with useless, but, at least for a while now, everything seems to be constant. I can't check anything using IE8 as I'm still restricted to a tablet, so I'm unsure whether any of my plugins are functioning as expected in IE8, for all I know none of them are working. The last I updated was the smilies plugin, and I've not had any 'help me' messages, so I assume that one works at least. I haven't checked myself but since the addTag function specifically sets up a mouseup/keyup handler in order to include quick reply in range updates as well it would be unaffected by the mentioned bug.
King Oligochaete
Feb 24, 2021 12:23:15 GMT -8
Stop rating plugins with 1 star that dont deserve it.
June 2008
Wormo's Mini-Profile
Post by Wormopolis on Oct 7, 2014 17:23:23 GMT -8
I would have loved to use built in functions, but they required matching tags. If there was a function that gave me the ability to define a beginning and end tag I would gladly ride that train.
All w3 compliant browsers are working flawlessly. This was more an exercise in backwards compatibility before someone started giving me grief over not making it work in legacy versions. To summarize what it does currently :
In IE8 In visual mode with text selected - surrounds text with my tags In visual mode with no text selected - inserts tags into document body instead of iframe body In bbcode mode with text selected - surrounds text with my tags In bbcode mode with no text selected - attempts to locate caret and insert tags but math in function needs refining because its offset by new lines even though its supposed to account for them. I'm still tweaking.
In IE9 In visual and bbcode mode with text selected - surrounds selection with my tags In visual mode with no text selected - inserts tags at caret In bbcode mode with no text selected - attempts to find caret and insert. Math is also off a slight bit.
I'm going to wait until after the revision tom just made is live before attempting anymore. Just in case I put a bunch of effort into it and the revision undoes it. I could submit to library right now and still sleep at night.
Thank you for your continued help and interest!
Official Code Helper
Oct 22, 2024 1:56:19 GMT -8
"'Oops' is the sound we make when we improve"
December 2005
RedBassett's Mini-Profile
Post by Chris on Oct 7, 2014 19:57:43 GMT -8
The replaceSelection as I mentioned before requires no start/end tags as in this case where you are working with textnodes. Basically you grab the selection, add the text to the start and the end as in the example I gave then use replaceSelection to replace the current selection with your custom modified selection complete with racing stripes and mag wheels. I'm not totally familiar with the unconventional format of your smear tag but I created a mockup function that includes support for ancient IE and inserts a specified hex color in the ending tag (?) function smearSelection(hexColor) { var wy = $('.wysiwyg-textarea').data('wysiwyg'); //this could be saved in a global or closure scope to save time; if (wy.currentEditorName == "bbcode") { var text = wy.editors.bbcode.getSelectedText(); text = '[smear]' + (text || "") + '[/smear:#'+hexColor+']'; wy.editors.bbcode.replaceSelection(text); } else if (wy.currentEditorName == "visual") { var doc = wy.editors.visual.document if (window.getSelection) { // W3C branch var frag = wy.editors.visual.getRange().cloneContents(); frag.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('[/smear:#'+hexColor+']')); frag.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode("[smear]"), frag.firstChild); wy.editors.visual.replaceSelection(frag); } else if (document.selection) { //ancient IE/Opera branch var text = wy.editors.visual.getRange().htmlText; text = '[smear]' + (text || "") + '[/smear:#'+hexColor+']'; wy.editors.visual.getRange().pasteHTML(text) } } }
Keep in mind that it is quite possible a user could partially select text in one element and run across boundaries into another element How that gets handled is entirely up to the browser and I suspect could be a source of headaches. But that is on the visual side, on the bbcode side Proboards handles the conversion without any browser auto-corrections but it does have some problems. Take for example that same example above but entered on the bbcode side if I were to hit the strikethrough at that point to surround the selection I would end up with the following malformed bbcode Switch to preview then back and you'll see an attempt to correct the structure which will undoubtedly have orphaned bbcode tags. Edit:
I'm not sure if it would be desirable to break the smear into discrete parts in such situations since I assume it does some sort of linear gradient progression but it beats the alternative and could probably be worked around by tagging the splits as originating from a single tag thus allowing any progression to resume rather than start over. Anyway, if the user ends up selecting text across tag boundaries on the bbcode side then this edit should split the selections to only text to make it smear-worthy function smearSelection(hexColor) { var wy = $('.wysiwyg-textarea').data('wysiwyg'); //this could be saved in a global or closure scope to save time; var startTag = '[smear]'; var endTag = '[/smear:#'+hexColor+']'; if (wy.currentEditorName == "bbcode") { var text = wy.editors.bbcode.getSelectedText()||""; var bbtags = [endTag]; text = text.replace(/\[(\/)?(\w+).*?\]/gm, function(m,p1,p2){ p2 = (p2||"").toLowerCase(); //if its a tag without a closer then no action needed if(p2 == "br" || p2 == "hr") return m; if(p1){ //closing tag bbtags.push(endTag) return (endTag + m + startTag); }else{ if(bbtags.length){ bbtags.push(endTag); return (bbtags.pop() + m + startTag); } return m; } }).replace(new RegExp((startTag+endTag).replace(/([\[\]\/])/g,"\\$1"),"g"),""); //toss empties text = startTag + text + endTag; wy.editors.bbcode.replaceSelection(text); } else if (wy.currentEditorName == "visual") { var doc = wy.editors.visual.document if (window.getSelection) { // W3C branch var frag = wy.editors.visual.getRange().cloneContents(); frag.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(endTag)); frag.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode("[smear]"), frag.firstChild); wy.editors.visual.replaceSelection(frag); } else if (document.selection) { //ancient IE branch var text = wy.editors.visual.getRange().htmlText; text = startTag + (text || "") + endTag; wy.editors.visual.getRange().pasteHTML(text) } } return "undefined" != typeof frag ? frag.innerHTML : text; }
King Oligochaete
Feb 24, 2021 12:23:15 GMT -8
Stop rating plugins with 1 star that dont deserve it.
June 2008
Wormo's Mini-Profile
Post by Wormopolis on Oct 7, 2014 20:28:36 GMT -8
I swear I tried replace Selection back at the start of this and I was getting a "node does not exist" error or something. I will insert that into the button function when I get home tonight and let you know the new results. I really do appreciate that you have invested time in this. It doesnt show, but I have been trying all sorts of routines found on stack overflow to catch the right spot. I know you dont have IE8 so I will see what your bbcode section does in it.
King Oligochaete
Feb 24, 2021 12:23:15 GMT -8
Stop rating plugins with 1 star that dont deserve it.
June 2008
Wormo's Mini-Profile
Post by Wormopolis on Oct 10, 2014 2:02:58 GMT -8
ok so here are the results: Firefox -BBcode mode nothing in textarea, places tags in text area - CHECK text in textarea, caret somewhere in middle of text without selection, places tags where caret was - CHECK text in textrea, text selected, surrounds selection with tags - CHECK -Preview Mode nothing in textarea, places tags in text area - CHECK text in textarea, caret somewhere in middle of text without selection, places tags where caret was - CHECK text in textrea, text selected, surrounds selection with tags - CHECK IE8 -BBcode mode nothing in textarea, places tags in text area - CHECK text in textarea, caret somewhere in middle of text without selection, places tags at beginning of all text text in textrea, text selected, places tags at beginning of all text -Preview Mode nothing in textarea, places tags into document body instead of iFrame text in textarea, caret somewhere in middle of text without selection, places tags into document body instead of iFrame text in textrea, text selected, places tags into document body instead of iFrame IE9 -BBcode mode nothing in textarea, places tags in text area - CHECK text in textarea, caret somewhere in middle of text without selection, places tags at beginning of all text text in textrea, text selected, places tags at beginning of all text -Preview Mode nothing in textarea, places tags into textarea - CHECK text in textarea, caret somewhere in middle of text without selection, places tags at beginning of all text text in textrea, text selected, places tags at beginning of all text function smearSelection(stColor, enColor, smMode) { var wy = $('.wysiwyg-textarea').data('wysiwyg'); //this could be saved in a global or closure scope to save time; if (wy.currentEditorName == "bbcode") { var text = wy.editors.bbcode.getSelectedText(); text = '[smear:#'+stColor+']' + (text || "") + '[/smear:#'+enColor+':'+smMode+']'; wy.editors.bbcode.replaceSelection(text); } else if (wy.currentEditorName == "visual") { var doc = wy.editors.visual.document if (window.getSelection) { // W3C branch var frag = wy.editors.visual.getRange().cloneContents(); frag.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('[/smear:#'+enColor+':'+smMode+']')); frag.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode("[smear:#"+stColor+"]"), frag.firstChild); wy.editors.visual.replaceSelection(frag); } else if (document.selection) { //ancient IE/Opera branch var text = wy.editors.visual.getRange().htmlText; text = '[smear:#'+stColor+']' + (text || "") + '[/smear:#'+enColor+':'+smMode+']'; wy.editors.visual.getRange().pasteHTML(text) } } }
the tray button calls forth a custom dialog box. hitting ok validates both colors are chosen and then passes colors and mode to smearSelection() it might be useful to grab the editor and/or editor.getSelection/getSelectedText() as soon as the button is pressed before the dialog opens and pass that along to the function? Im going to make another attempt this weekend as well. perhaps its goign to require a merging of the two codes.
Official Code Helper
Oct 22, 2024 1:56:19 GMT -8
"'Oops' is the sound we make when we improve"
December 2005
RedBassett's Mini-Profile
Post by Chris on Oct 10, 2014 5:18:55 GMT -8
A few more questions then, are there remnants of the stackoverflow code still at play somewhere in the overall code perhaps manipulating the WYSIWYG? An outside influences such as that would undoubtedly have an unknown effect and could interfere with the internal operations of the WYSIWYG. Do those IE8 anomalies occur when using the standard buttons as well?
What I suggested earlier about running the function from a javascript console (but this time without the plugin running) would test for plugin interference. Select some text in the bbcode/visual then run the function from the console passing it some test parameters and see if that still produces anomalies in IE8. The reason I suggest this is because although you are correct that I no longer have IE8 (I might have it in an Oracle VM box but haven't messed with that in years) my testing with IE9 running in IE8 emulation mode showed no such anomalies with me and I did verify that it takes the path less traveled unlike its younger IE9 brother.
King Oligochaete
Feb 24, 2021 12:23:15 GMT -8
Stop rating plugins with 1 star that dont deserve it.
June 2008
Wormo's Mini-Profile
Post by Wormopolis on Oct 10, 2014 10:28:02 GMT -8
I had commented out everything from the original function except the dialog stuff. I made your test a seperate function that was called from the apply button in the dialog. I will try your function from the console tonight after work.
the console though throws the additonal difference of NOT bringing up a dialog box when the button is pressed. it might be that act alone that is throwing off IE. In my original stuff I was storing all the getrange stuff as soon as the button was pressed and before the dialog was opened. so it might just require doing that again.
IE9 results added intomy post above
Official Code Helper
Oct 22, 2024 1:56:19 GMT -8
"'Oops' is the sound we make when we improve"
December 2005
RedBassett's Mini-Profile
Post by Chris on Oct 10, 2014 13:52:33 GMT -8
The WYSIWYG stores the ranges internally and with the new update push this morning (up to forum_191.js now) it SHOULD be back to storing for IE8 as well but to simulate a loss of focus from the console just click on something else on the page before running it
King Oligochaete
Feb 24, 2021 12:23:15 GMT -8
Stop rating plugins with 1 star that dont deserve it.
June 2008
Wormo's Mini-Profile
Post by Wormopolis on Oct 10, 2014 23:41:56 GMT -8
I got all excitied because I thought it was working... then I realized I was still in firefox and not IE...
IE8 had no changes from above results when using dialog after button. trying just the function from console now.
EDIT running from console in IE8 worked on all 6 tests. so its indeed the act of bringing up the dialog OR clicking the button itself that is clearing the selection. Im going to try calling the function as soon as the button is pressed to see what happens.
EDIT 2 so weird... in BBcode mode, calling the function before the dialog worked for all 3 tests. then the dialog opens and it pushes it to start of text. in preview mode, selecting actual text, the force function worked, but dialog pushed to document body with just caret in text, both force and dialog pushed to body with no text in box, both force and dialog pushed to body
so it seems as if I need to somehow save the selection BEFORE the button is clicked. Im going to try a mouseover on the smear button and push the selection to a global scope. see what that does. it seems dirty. maybe I just need to somehow throw focus back on the textarea?