May 15, 2022 9:40:33 GMT -8
September 2014
Post by S-Freak on May 17, 2015 6:35:34 GMT -8
Hello I've made some changes in my Style Sheet regarding posts, because I wanted all posts made on my forum to have a layout, that was similar to using this code, when posting: [blockquote][div align="justify"]TEXT[/div][/blockquote] I've put in "text-align: justify;" and changed the padding to 40px in this line: .posts .post .content { padding-left: 40px; padding-right: 40px; vertical-align: top; text-align: justify; } Bonus-info: I have also changed the bottom margin to 25px in this line: .posts .post .content-head { border: @posts_header_border; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; padding-bottom: 5px; margin-bottom: 25px; } MY PROBLEM IS THIS:
I would really like my post-header not to be affected by the padding-changes, I've made. I don't know, if it's possible, but I would like the 40px-padding only to affect the post-message (to make it look like, everyone is using blockquote) I've included my entire post-code, as it is now: /* Posts */ @posts_odd_background_color: @container_background_color_1; @posts_odd_background_image: @empty; @posts_odd_background_attachment: @empty; @posts_odd_background_repeat: @empty; @posts_odd_background_position: @empty; @posts_odd_text_color: @container_text_color_1; @posts_even_background_color: @container_background_color_2; @posts_even_background_image: @empty; @posts_even_background_attachment: @empty; @posts_even_background_repeat: @empty; @posts_even_background_position: @empty; @posts_even_text_color: @container_text_color_2; @posts_separator_border: 2px solid #858585; @posts_likes_color: @empty; @posts_likes_font: 80% @default_forum_text_font_family; @posts_header_border: 2px solid #858585; @posts_code_background: @container_background_color_1; @posts_code_border: 1px solid @container_inner_border_color; @posts_code_text_color: @container_text_color_1; @posts_code_text_font: @empty; @posts_edited_text_color: @empty; @posts_edited_text_font: 80% @default_forum_text_font_family; @posts_signatures_border: 1px solid @container_inner_border_color; @posts_signatures_text_color: @empty; @posts_signatures_text_font: 80% @default_forum_text_font_family; .posts .post, .post .quote div.quote div.quote_body, .post.even .quote div.quote_body { color: @posts_odd_text_color; background-color: @posts_odd_background_color; background-image: @posts_odd_background_image; background-attachment: @posts_odd_background_attachment; background-repeat: @posts_odd_background_repeat; background-position: @posts_odd_background_position; } .posts .post.even, .post .quote div.quote_body, .post.even .quote div.quote div.quote_body { color: @posts_even_text_color; background-color: @posts_even_background_color; background-image: @posts_even_background_image; background-attachment: @posts_even_background_attachment; background-repeat: @posts_even_background_repeat; background-position: @posts_even_background_position; } .post.item abbr.time, .post.item.even .quote abbr.time, .post.item .quote .quote abbr.time { color: @posts_odd_text_color; } .post.item.even abbr.time, .post.item .quote abbr.time, .post.item.even .quote .quote abbr.time { color: @posts_even_text_color; } .posts .-method { font-size: .8em; } .posts span.labels { display: block; } .posts span.labels .ui-label { padding: 5px 0 0 5px; display: inline-block; zoom: 1; } .posts .poll { border-width: 0px 1px 10px 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: @container_inner_border_color; } .posts .post table { width: 100%; } .posts .post .left-panel { width: 172px; vertical-align: top; padding-top: 0px;} .posts .post .content { padding-left: 40px; padding-right: 40px; vertical-align: top; text-align: justify; } .posts .post .content-head .info { float: left; margin-top: 3px; line-height: 20px !important; } .posts .post .content-head .info .date { margin-right: 7px; } .posts .post .content-head .info .date, .posts .post .post-method { vertical-align: -7px; } .posts .post.recent .content-head .info .date, .posts .post.recent .post-method { vertical-align: 5px; } .posts .post.recent .content-head .info { line-height: 13px !important; } .posts .post .thread-link { display: none; } .posts .post.recent .thread-link { display: block; } .posts .post.recent .likes { vertical-align: 0px; } .posts .post .content-head .controls { float: right; border-collapse: separate; } .posts .post .content-head .controls > a { float: left; margin-left: 3px; padding-right: 5px; } .posts .post .content-head .controls > a.likes-button { padding: 1px 6px 0px 6px; } .posts .post .content-head .controls > a.likes-button img { margin-top: 2px; } .posts .post .message { word-wrap: break-word; overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: hidden; margin-bottom: 1.3em; } .posts .post .message table { width: inherit; } .posts .post .message table td { padding: 3px; } .posts .post .message ul {margin-left: 31px; list-style-type: disc;} .posts .post .message ol {margin-left: 31px; list-style-type: decimal;} .posts.summary .post .content-head .info { float: none; } .posts .post.blocked .unblocked { display: none; } .posts .post .content .thread-link { max-width: 450px; overflow: hidden; } .posts.item .ui-pagination { padding-left: 0px; } .likes { vertical-align: -7px; } .posts #labels { display: none; text-align: right; padding: 5px; } .posts .post > td, .posts .labels { border: @posts_separator_border; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; } .likes, .likes:hover { color: @posts_likes_color; font: @posts_likes_font; } .likes-button { padding: 4px 0px 0px 5px; display: none; } .liked.likes { display: inline; } .posts .post .content-head { border: @posts_header_border; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; padding-bottom: 5px; margin-bottom: 25px; } .posts .post .message code { display: block; border: @posts_code_border; padding: 5px; margin-left: 16px; margin-right: 16px; background: @posts_code_background; color: @posts_code_text_color; font: @posts_code_text_font; white-space: pre-wrap; } .posts .post .foot { height: 1px; vertical-align: bottom; padding-left: 10px; } .posts .post .foot .edited_by { text-align: right; color: @posts_edited_text_color; font: @posts_edited_text_font; margin-top: 10px; } .posts .post .foot .signature { color: @posts_signatures_text_color; font: @posts_signatures_text_font; vertical-align: bottom; border: @posts_signatures_border; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; padding-top: 10px; margin-top: 10px; } .posts .bookmark_icon { padding-right: 5px; } .quote_clear { clear: both; } Thanks in advance for any help, you can give me /S-Freak
I need a new CT, thinking.... [insert Jeopardy theme song here]
Aug 21, 2021 0:07:21 GMT -8
September 2007
Post by Tumbleweed on May 17, 2015 9:02:23 GMT -8
For the blockquote and justify without affecting anything else you need to add that to this line:
.posts .post .message { word-wrap: break-word; overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: hidden; margin-bottom: 1.3em; padding-left:40px; padding-right:40px; text-align:justify; }
As for the second change you made, is that doing what you want it to do?
May 15, 2022 9:40:33 GMT -8
September 2014
Post by S-Freak on May 17, 2015 9:17:52 GMT -8
That was exactly what I needed! Thank you very much! (And yes, the bottom-margin was just to get some space between the post-header and my text )