Pretty familiar! I just don't know where to begin! Just so much as pointing me in the right direction with an idea of what sort of code I should be using and where will help! Thank you!
Gotcha! So, this would be a really good place to combine board ID with if/else statements.
You would start by structuring the HTML where the board images appear to show the special images, then the "not special" images, something like so:
{if $[] == 1}
(special image here)
(regular image here)
Since you'll have more than one images, you'd use elseif, like so:
{if $[] == 1}
(special image 1 here)
{elseif $[] == 2}
(special image 2 here)
(regular image here)
If these are on / off icons that would need to show a different style of image if there are new posts versus no new posts, you could do one of two things:
1. My preferred way of doing this is just an opacity increase/decrease. You can use if/else statements within HTML to add a class based on conditions, like so:
<img src="URL of image" class="board_image_class {if $[board.is_new]}new_post_class{/if}" />
Then add the properties of .new_post_class (or whatever you want to call it) in your stylesheet. Note that you can upload the image to your theme images and pull the URL off of that.
2. Or, you can upload two different images to the forum theme and use the image variables that will appear in the variable tree on the right of the templates under the "theme" branch", and swap it out that way, like so:
{if $[board.is_new]}
You can use either of these methods as the content for (special image here) in the initial setup as well. (:
Hope this gets you where you need to go! Feel free to let me know if you need additional assistance.